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World Hepatitis Day

It is World Hepatitis Day today, and so I think this is the perfect opportunity to talk about a few fun facts about Hepatitis B, or HBV! I'm sure I'm not the only one who only knows about HBV through the Addams Family musical line, "She's my only Hepatitis B!"

今天是World Hepatitis Day,世界肝炎日,那就来科普一下Hepatitis B,也就是HBV是什么吧!我相信我肯定不是唯一一个对HBV了解仅限于亚当斯一家音乐剧中的一句“她是我的肝炎”!

First of all, HBV is spread through infant/mother bonds, blood, and close contact (or sex), similar to HIV. This is why HBV is an STD (or sexually transmitted disease).


The symptoms of HBV include drowsiness, stomach pains, nausea, darker urine, and jaundice. But don't worry, the major difference between HBV and HIV is that HBV is easy to prevent and treat. For example, in China, all children will be obliged to be vaccinated at birth, that is, the hepatitis B vaccine.


HBV is also divided into two types, one is chronic and the other is acute, and a person may get HBV repeatedly after being cured. The likelihood of severe HBV increases in people over age 60. Severe HBV can lead to liver cancer, but most people with HBV have only mild symptoms and get better soon after treatment.


This is just a very, very rough introduction to HBV. On HBV day, helping to raise awareness about not only HBV but also all STDs can help to lessen the stigma surrounding the illnesses, and help prevent and protect ourselves!


A video for more information:



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